Projects Blog About

About me?

I'm just some dude (pronouns: he/him) on the internet from the glorious year of 2003.

My biggest interest are programming, reverse engineering, swimming (I'm a lifeguard btw) and Linux (of course right). My current home is in Karlsruhe, Germany where I'm studying computer science @ KIT.

Fun fact: In Germany, computer science is called informatics - a word invented here in Karlsruhe which is kind of cool :D

Other than that I'm mostly playing games (both digital and board games) with friends, tinkering with electronics, doing graphic design here and there and just generally geeking out about all kinds of science stuff.


Why did I choose this name?

I don't know, and I kinda don't really like it anymore. It sounds a bit cheesy to me but whatever...

My logo

This is my logo. I "designed" it myself if you can call it that. I mostly just tried out different shapes in Inkscape until I had something I liked. It's inspired by the logo of Climate Partner. It looks like this

Climate Partner Logo

One day I saw this logo on some random thing and found it quite cool.

Now what is this website?

Well it's just a place for me to experiment with web stuff and occasionally write about stuff. It's currently on a Hetzner ARM server running NixOS. It used to run on a cheap x86 server, but it got more expensive, so I migrated.

Inspired by thebestmotherfucking.website, I try to make it as lightweight as possible. It should be possible to view the website without CSS. There is also no JavaScript in here.


You can look at my stuff on GitHub or write me an E-mail.